Speech Pathology

Communicate Freely!

Whether your having trouble making the correct sounds, using and understanding words correctly, needing help talking with others or require a completely alternate form of communication. Through our early intervention supports, our Speechies are there to guide and support you through fun and engaging play based therapy!

Our Speechie Supports

Speech & Language

Supporting you to pronounce sounds, and use words/understand words for effective communication.

Early Intervention

Is your child having difficulty communicating clearly, or is a late talker? Our Speechies are there to provide extra support so they can talk, laugh and play more with their friends.


Supporting kids with foundational and ongoing reading & writing skills.

Social Communication

Social engagement and communication with others.


The smoothness of an individuals speech

Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC)

The use of alternative means to communicate aside from talking.

Communicate Your Way