
Move Better, Feel Better, Live Better!

Whether its tailored exercise programs, safety plans, regular aquatic physiotherapy sessions or prescribed assistive technology. Our professional physiotherapy team are there to help you improve your physical health, increase your functional independence allowing you to live life more independently.

Our Physio Supports

Exercise Programs

Tailored exercise programs to increase your strength and mobility to improve your physical health and become more independent.

Aquatic Physio

Land based exercise too strenuous? Or you just prefer doing exercise in the pool? Our physiotherapists attend a variety of community aquatic centres where you can complete sessions at.

Assistive Technology

Whether its mobility aids, transfer aids, or low-cost therapy solutions. Our physiotherapists are able to recommend suitable assistive technology to support your functional goals.

Manual Handling Plans

Are you a group home that requires manual handling plans for your residents? Our physios can assist with assessing safe manual handling, develop plans and complete staff training sessions.

Early Intervention

Worried about your child’s physical development? Our physiotherapists provide fun engaging activities to increase strength, mobility, balance and coordination.

Falls Prevention

Starting to become unsteady on your feet? Our physiotherapists are able to assess and implement strategies to minimise your risk of falls, to ensure you can continue safely living at home.

Move Your Way